Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sometimes You Get Stuck on the Highway of Faith

Today’s Scripture Reading: Matthew 17:14–21
Key Verse: : Matthew 17:20

I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

God, is something wrong with me? Why is nothing happening?” Have you ever felt stuck, even though you knew you were operating in a degree of faith? Do not stop; you are experiencing only a temporary delay.

Always remember that when God speaks to you and gives you vision, He never gives you a bad idea. Because of His nature, the Creator can give you nothing but perfection. He is perfection itself.

This also means that God does not have nightmares and or get nervous about the future. He knows the end from the beginning. So although things do not look good now, just keep diligently seeking Him by faith. You need to be diligent in order to turn that corner and escape that temporary “sticking point.”

The flip side of all this is simple: if you do not keep after faith—if you do not go after God—then your hope and inspiration will die. Remember: you do not diligently seek Him merely by showing up at church on Sunday!

Stick with it. Do not give up on your dream or on the all-wise God who gave it to you. Keep after it in faith!

Today's Prayer:
Make this faith declaration with me: Jesus, I refuse to give up! I will turn this corner. I look to You more and more. I believe that with Your help, this too will add to my destiny.

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