Monday, February 12, 2007

Don't Give the Devil Even an "Inch"

From the Editor of FreshOutlook Magazine

Every place on which the soles of your feet tread, I have given to you.
Joshua 1:3

I have a nephew who was very trying when he was little. My sister said that the doctor told her to ‘choose her battles.’ I imagine he gave this advise because at this time in my sisters life, it seemed everything was a battle with the little guy, therefore, if you fought over every little thing, you would be fighting all the time.

I am sure you have heard that saying, ‘choose your battles’ and I am just as sure that there are many situations in life where it may apply. But I do know somewhere it doesn’t apply. To the enemy. The Bible says to give NO place to the devil. That means that we are to fight and win every battle, not to give him one inch. Have you ever heard the expression ‘give him an inch and he’ll take a mile.’ Well, that is how he works. He is looking for a way in – any way in – small or large.

One thing that I love about the Word of God is that it is living…it literally contains life. The Word of God never becomes powerless and you can study day and night and still gain new understanding and revelation of the Word. This week I studied a scripture that I have often quoted during times when I was believing God for things. Unfortunately, when using that scripture base I didn’t know the fullness of it’s meaning, therefore I was missing out on the revelation of that scripture. The scripture is found in Joshua 1:3, every place on which the soles of your feet tread, I have given you. I remember when I went to purchase my home I used that scripture as I walked around the property. Now, that was a good start BUT let me tell you what that scripture is actually saying.

The part that says ‘soles of your feet tread’ literally means every place that you are willing to put your battle shoes on, load up your weapon and fight for – THAT is what God will give to you. While it is still a wonderful promise, it now involves us doing something. God is saying ‘whatever you find in My Word that you are willing to fight for – it’s yours!’ Great news. Yet, if you are not willing to battle and fight for it – you will probably never possess it.

So, what’s happening in your life? Where is the enemy attacking you? Is it worth fighting for? Your marriage and family are worth fighting for. Your prosperity is worth fighting for. Your healing is worth fighting for. Your peace and soundness of mind is worth fighting for. But we have to put on our shoes, pick up our weapons and fight. It’s already ours, paid for at the cross, but we have to posses it, and to posses it we have to dispossess the enemy from our territory. Which brings me to another interesting scripture.

In Numbers 33:55, God had told Moses to dispossess the inhabitants of Canaan and dwell in that land for God had given it to the children of Israel. But God didn’t stop there. He said if you don’t drive them all out they shall be an irritant in your eyes, a thorn in your side and they shall harass you forever. Wow! That’s pretty strong. God is saying if you leave one enemy on your land, he will irritate your eyes (you won’t be able to see properly), he will be a thorn in your side (every time you take a step you are going to feel him prick you), and he will harass you every single day (you will never have peace).

So you see, God tells us to fight every battle and run every enemy off – or suffer the consequences. It’s not enough to win the battle over your health and remain broke. It’s not enough to win the financial battle and lose your family. NO! We win every battle and all we have to do is put on our shoes and fight. Which brings me to my next point.

I was in a battle several years ago with the enemy and victory came one way – through worship. I didn’t pick up a weapon, I simply worshipped God. Why? Because that was what He required of me. Another time, in another battle, God instructed me to praise Him for 24 hours straight – and I did and deliverance was immediate. The point is that God has a different strategy for every battle and you have to inquire of Him before you know which way to fight. You must first inquire and get your battle plan. No good soldier goes into battle without a fresh and effective battle plan.

In the Old Testament, Moses was in a battle and as long as his hands were raised, he was winning, but his arms grew tired. Yet this was the only way to win this battle – so God had Aaron and Hur hold up his arms and victory was theirs. In another battle in the Old Testament, God told the people to walk around the wall seven times and then to shout. They obeyed and victory was theirs. When Gideon went to war, God told him to have his men carry trumpets in one hand and pitchers with a torch in the other – they didn’t even have a weapon. Yet they obeyed God and won.

What would have happened if Gideon had said ‘no, God, I think I will do it the way Moses did it.’ I can tell you…he would have died.

I know you have probably fought and won battles against the enemy, but the way you won last time may not be the way you win this time. Inquire of the Lord. David was a warrior, yet for every battle he first inquired of the Lord. Get the plan of God to win your battle and then march forth with confidence that the Lord of Hosts is with you and victory will be yours. Furthermore, don’t give the enemy any place – don’t allow him to win one battle. The victory is already yours if you will simply stand firm and fight. He knows that and when you know that, then the battle is almost over. Next, inquire of the Lord as to how you are to approach this enemy and obey, do whatever it is He instructs you to do. It may be praise, it may be quote the Word, it may be sow a seed to someone who sows spiritually into your life, it may be simply stand. Whatever it is, don’t hesitate, do it! The victory is surely yours – remember, wherever you tread your foot – wherever you choose to put your shoes on, pick up your weapon for battle and run the enemy off your territory – it is yours, says the Lord.

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