Friday, June 29, 2007

Character: Take It Seriously

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John Maxwell

Leviticus 10:1-12:8

God takes seriously the issue of character: We see His concern repeatedly in Leviticus, from the sin of Aaron's sons - to His detailed instructions about clean and unclean food - to the purification of a woman after childbirth.

While today we recognize some obvious medical and biological reasons for His precise directions, we can assume God intended through these texts to teach His leaders and His people an important lesson: Put "being" before "doing." Get yourself right before you work on anything else.

Far too often we jump to mechanics, methods, and techniques. We put style ahead of substance. We focus on charisma but neglect character. The following axioms beckon us to put our character first:
  1. We are given our gifts, but we must develop our character.
  2. Our character earns the trust of others.
  3. Only good character gives lasting success with people.
  4. Sound character communicates credibility and consistency.
  5. Our character colors our perspective.
  6. Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.
  7. We cannot rise above the limitations of our character.

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