Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Just Let It Go!

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Lisa Comes

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19
  • We have to forget what is behind in order to press on and take hold of the things God has for us. Philippians 3:13-15
  • Forgetting = Not necessarily losing all memory, but leaving it behind as done with and settled.
  • Forgetting and letting go of the past is a sign of maturity. Hebrews 6:1

Things we need to let go of:
  1. Guilt over our weaknesses and shortcomings.
  2. Guilt over sin and mistakes and failures.
  3. Revelation 12:10, I John 1:7-9, Isaiah 43:25, Psalm 103:12, Proverbs 24:16
    1. What we do is we hold on to guilt instead of taking hold of God’s forgiveness.
  4. Our negative upbringing as a child.
  5. Regret
    1. Regret = turmoil and pain in the mind.
    2. Regret makes you a prisoner of the past and it steals your future.
    3. We can’t go back and change our decisions and our actions, but we can let it go!
  6. Negative words that people have spoken over us.
  7. Little offenses.
  8. Unforgiveness and bitterness. Proverbs 11:17
How to let go of unforgiveness and hurt:
  1. Make the decision to forgive the person in spite of the way you feel. Romans 5:8, Matthew 10:8, Matthew 10:8, Matthew 6:14, Matthew 5:7
    1. Forgiveness in not an emotion. It is an act of the will, and the will can function in spite of the temperature of the heart.
  2. Don’t dwell on the offense. Luke 6:27-28
  3. Don’t talk about the person in a negative way.
    1. You know you have forgiven and you have let it go, when you think about that person and you don’t get angry and you don’t talk negatively about them.
  4. If you are carrying hurt, ask God to heal your broken heart. Psalm 147:3, Hebrews 12:1
    1. Forget the former things. Do not dwell on the past! Leave it behind!
Lisa Comes is an Associate Pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, TX, under the leadership of her brother Pastor Joel Osteen. Born with a crippling birth defect that doctors said might keep her from walking, Lisa was miraculously healed as a child. In 1990 God spared her life when a pipe bomb sent through the mail exploded in her lap.

A graduate of Oral Roberts University, Lisa dedicated her life to full time ministry in 1983 and began working with her father, the late John Osteen. Since then, she has traveled the world teaching God's Word and ministering the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Lisa and her husband Kevin reside in Houston and are the parents of three children.

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