Monday, October 15, 2007

The Thief Comes To Steal

Continue trusting God

falling leavesHave you ever begun to pray about a particular situation and it seems to get worse? Have you ever begun to confess the word of God in a particular area and it seems that no matter how much you confess and pray and believe it continues to get worse? If you have ever believed God for anything, I am pretty certain this is what happened, as it happens for many of us.

So what do you do? Well, the Bible says that the thief (devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy. I want to talk to you today about the thing he has to steal, kill and destroy before he can begin to touch your stuff.

You see, my friend, he must first steal the word of God that has been sown in your heart ~ if he can't steal the word, he can't steal your finances, your health, your marriage or your peace. Oh, I know he can make you think he is ~ but he doesn't have the power to take it unless we hand it over to him. Before you ever begin to ask God for anything, you must first see it in His word, and if you have found that word that pertains to your situation and you mediate on that word, then it is sown in your heart. That's what the devil is after - the word of God.

If he can steal the word, then he can kill your vision and destroy every dream you ever had. But he can't touch anything until he first pulls the word out of our heart. How does he do that? Through attacks on your finances, your health, your marriage, your mind. He comes at you with everything he's got, feeling confident that he can make you bow to his threats. Don't bow. What do I mean by that? Don't lay down your weapon which is the word of God. Don't begin to doubt God. Don't start to wonder if what the word says will really work for you - trust God. Trust him when the heat is the highest, trust Him when it looks like the opposite of the word is manifesting in your life, trust Him when it seems that there is a Red Sea in front of you and the enemy on your tail. He is the same God today as He was back then and He will part the sea for you if you can only resist fear and resist the enemy and his lies and hold firm to the word of God. Trust Him, no matter what it looks like.

Don't allow your thoughts to wonder. God told me something years ago that has kept me from wondering. He said 'wondering will take you down a road you don't want to go.' I ask Him what He meant. And He replied 'wondering is wavering, wavering is doubt, and doubt is sin.' You see my friend, wondering will lead you to sin - for to doubt God is sin. The Bible declares that anything that is not of faith is sin. Stop those wondering thoughts before they begin. Give no place to the devil. Whatever he says to you, the opposite is true. Trust God. He will not fail you.

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