Sunday, December 31, 2006

BVOV Audio Podcast for Sunday, December 31, 2006

by Kenneth Copeland

Giving Your Dreams a New Beginning

Joel Osteen

God has given you the potential for greatness. When life is unfair and pushes you down, you have to get back up, brush yourself off and let the past be the past. Then you can give new life to the dreams God has put in your heart.

Joyce Meyer: "Biblical Confessions Over Your Life"

  1. I love all people, and I am loved by all people.
  2. I prosper in everything I put my hand to. I have prosperity in all areas of my life - spiritually, financially, mentally, and socially.
  3. All my children have lots of Christian friends, and God has set aside a Christian wife or husband for each of them.
  4. All my household are blessed in their deeds: we’re blessed when we come in and when we go out.
  5. I take good care of my body. I eat right, I look good, I feel good, and I weigh what God wants me to weigh.
  6. I operate in all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are tongues and interpretation of tongues, the working of miracles, discerning of spirits, the word of faith, the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, healings, and prophecy.
  7. I know God’s voice, and I always obey what He tells me.
  8. The love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost.
  9. I do all my work excellently and with great prudence – making the most of all of my time.
  10. I am creative because the Holy Spirit lives in me.
  11. I love to pray. I love to praise and worship God.
  12. I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress. I will speak forth the righteousness of God all the day long.
  13. I have humbled myself, and God has exalted me.
  14. I am a giver. It is more blessed to give than to receive. I love to give! I have plenty of money to give away all the time.
  15. I cast all my care on the Lord for He cares for me.
  16. I don’t give the devil a foothold in my life. I resist the devil, and he has to flee from me.
  17. I don’t have a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.
  18. I am not afraid of the faces of man. I am not afraid of the anger of man.
  19. I am a new creature in Christ: old things have passed away, behold, all things are new.
  20. I have died and have been raised with Christ and am now seated in heavenly places.
  21. I am dead to sin and alive unto righteousness.
  22. I am a doer of the Word. I meditate on the Word all the day long.
  23. I am not passive about anything, but I deal with all things in my life immediately.
  24. I do not judge my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus after the flesh. I am a spiritual man and am judged by no one.
  25. I take every thought captive unto the obedience of Jesus Christ, casting down every imagination, and every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
  26. I am a responsible person. I enjoy responsibility, and I rise to every responsibility in Jesus.
  27. I have been set free. I am free to love, to worship, to trust with no fear of rejection or of being hurt.
  28. I have compassion and understanding for all people.
  29. I catch the devil in all of his deceitful lies. I cast them down and choose rather to believe the Word of God.
  30. I am Anointed by God for ministry. Alleluia!
  31. Work is good. I enjoy work. Glory!
  32. I have a teachable spirit.
  33. I do not think more highly of myself than I ought to in the flesh.
  34. Pain cannot successfully come against my body because Jesus bore all my pain.
  35. I am a teacher of the Word.
  36. I lay hands on the sick, and they recover.
  37. I do what I say I will do, and I get where I am going on time.
  38. I don’t hurry and rush; I do one thing at a time.
  39. God opens my mouth, and no man can shut it. God shuts my mouth, and no man can open it.
  40. The law of kindness is in my tongue. Gentleness is in my touch. Mercy and compassion is in my hearing.
  41. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he; therefore, all of my thoughts are positive.
  42. I do not allow the devil to use my spirit as a garbage dump by meditating on negative things that he offers me.
  43. I am a believer not a doubter.
  44. No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper, but every tongue that rises against me in judgement, I shall show to be in the wrong.
  45. I am slow to speak, quick to hear, and slow to anger.
  46. I cast out devils and demons; nothing deadly can hurt me.
  47. I never bind a sister or brother with the words of my mouth.
  48. I am always a positive encouragement. I edify and build up; I never tear down or destroy.
  49. I will cry to God most high Who performs on my behalf and rewards me.
  50. My son (name) has a sweet personality, and he is not rebellious.
  51. I don’t speak negative things.
  52. My children love to pray and study the Word. They openly and boldly praise God.
  53. My children make right choices according to the Word of God.
  54. I am an obedient wife, and no rebellion operates in me.
  55. My husband is wise. He is the king and priest of our home. He makes Godly decisions.
  56. I use my time wisely. All of my prayer and study time is wisely spent.
  57. I walk in the spirit all of the time.
  58. My car is paid for.
  59. I am rich - very rich.
  60. I love to bless people and spread the Gospel.
  61. I am an intercessor.
  62. I receive speaking engagements in person, by phone, and/or by mail every day.
  63. My daughter (name) operates in Godly wisdom and discipline, and she is full of energy.
  64. I have a finished basement.
  65. I have a beautiful wedding ring.
  66. We have all the new furniture we need. We have a new car.
  67. I never get tired or grow weary when I study the Word, pray, minister, or praise God; but I am alert and full of energy. And as I study, I become more alert and more energized.
  68. I will to study the Word of God. I will to pray.
  69. My husband can see perfectly. By the stripes of Jesus, he is healed.
  70. I do not hate or walk in unforgiveness.
  71. I do not fear. I am not guilty.

Kenneth Copeland: "Don't Speak--Shout Your Victory!"

"From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised." (Psalm 113:3)

Praise God. Praise Him in the morning. Praise Him at noon. Praise Him at night. If you've never praised God in your life, then get started right now. Praise Him for freedom. Praise Him for healing and Calvary. Praise Him for the Name of Jesus.

You ought to be shouting your way to work and shouting your way back home! If there's anything the devil can't stand, it's praise.

If you've taken territory from the devil and he's coming against you to get it back, this is not the time to sit down and whine about how things aren't working out. It's not time to decide that God has taken His hand off your life.

It IS time to get into the Word and get yourself reanchored in God's promises. It is time to keep that promise constantly before your eyes and in your heart. It is time to pray the prayer of faith and take your stand on the basis of His provision. It is time to continue to do the things you know to do.

When Satan starts shaking your mountain, don't retreat and run for cover. Speak to the mountain with the authority you wield in the Name of Jesus Christ. Then, when you're done with that, start to praise and shout the victory.

You don't have to be afraid of Satan. He'll be afraid of you!

Scripture Study: Psalm 50:1-23

Friday, December 29, 2006

BVOV Audio Podcast for Friday, December 29, 2006

from BVOV Audio by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland

Joyce Meyer: "Be Still and Know That I Am God"

Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God.... —Psalm 46:10

One of the most awesome commands that God gives to man is, "Be still" (Psalm 46:10).

Our activity when birthed out of the flesh actually prevents God from showing Himself strong in our lives.

This doesn't mean we are to be passive or lazy. It means we are to do whatever God leads us to do, without running ahead of Him in the energy of the flesh.

We need to be careful to submit our ideas and plans to God, then slow down, and wait. Make sure there is a sense of peace to go along with the plans and ideas. Ask the Lord for His will in your life, then be still and know that He is God.

Learn to trust the Lord without having to know what He is going to do, when He is going to do it, and how He is going to do it. Just let Him do it.

If you will turn your heart toward God in loving trust, He will do what needs to be done.

God gives His highest and best to those whose trust is in Him. Be still and let Him show Himself strong in your life.

Do This:
Be still and know that He is God. Be assured that as long as you trust Him, He will never fail you or disappoint you.

Gloria Copeland: "Remember Noah"

"And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." (Genesis 6:7-8)

One of the dirtiest, most damaging lies that the devil ever told you was when he said, "You aren't important." Don't you ever believe that.

You are important! Every born-again member in the Church of Jesus Christ has a part to play in God's plan. God has something for you to do that no one else can do just like you can. If you don't take your place and do your part, things won't be quite right.

I can just hear you thinking, "Oh, Gloria, I'm just one person. What could I possibly do that could be so significant?"

Look in Genesis 6, and you'll see the answer to that question. There you'll see that the people on the earth had gotten so wicked that God had regretted that He'd made them. He was ready to wipe the whole population out--but He didn't. Why? Because of one man: Noah! One obedient man saved the human race.

Think about that. What if Noah had said, "Well, this is just too much pressure for me. I can't live upright before God in the middle of this ungodly generation. I mean, everybody around me is living the other way. Every man around me imagines only evil in his heart. I can't make any difference in this dark world anyway. I'm just one man."

Praise God, Noah didn't say that. He didn't picture himself as an insignificant man whose life didn't matter. According to Hebrews, he saw himself as a man to whom God had spoken and by faith he obeyed God. And because of that he ended up being the only thing that stood between mankind and total destruction.

Next time you're tempted to shrug off the instructions of God and be disobedient, next time you catch yourself thinking, "It doesn't matter what I do"--remember Noah. Consider the fact that, whether you understand it or not, God is counting on you to carry out your part of His plan. Live like you're someone important in the kingdom of God. And sooner or later you'll realize, you are.

Scripture Study: Genesis 6

Christ makes everything new

Joel Osteen

Today's Scripture
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalms 51:10)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
With the new year comes fresh starts, resolutions, and new beginnings. It is a time of making plans, setting goals, and writing visions. But the greatest "new start" of all comes through Jesus Christ. II Corinthians 5:17 says: "Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a NEW creation; the old has passed away, behold the new has come."

If you need a new beginning this year, in any area of your life, allow Christ to make you a new creation and the old will pass away! He will put a new and right spirit within you when you call upon His name! This year, make your relationship with Him your number one priority. As you develop an intimacy with Him through daily prayer and the study of His Word, you will experience the joy of newness of life!

A Prayer for Today
God, this is the year I put You first. I want to start with a clean slate and begin anew as I develop a deeper personal relationship with You. Thank you for sending Your Son who gave His life so I could have a new beginning.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Joyce Meyer: "Kingdom Living"

But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. —Matthew 6:33

As the children of God, it is our privilege to live in His Kingdom. What is the Kingdom of God?

According to Romans 14:17, the Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. We can gain everything in the world, but without righteousness, peace, and joy, we still have nothing!

People without Christ have things, but not all of them are truly satisfied. Satisfaction in the inner man is what the Lord wants to give.

Jesus wants us to know that we are right with God because of what He has done for us. He wants us to have peace and joy in the midst of tribulation. Only He can give us that. Things can never produce lasting joy by themselves.

When things are right on the inside, outward things don't matter as much. When they don't matter as much to us, God can give us more of them. When we keep our eyes on the true Kingdom of God—on Him, His righteousness, His peace, and His joy—the rest will be added to us in abundance.

Learn to really live in the Kingdom of God.

Say This:
"Because I seek God's Kingdom and His righteousness, He adds to me all the things I need to live in His peace and joy."

Prepare for Your Blessings

Joel Osteen

Today's Scripture
"The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity...." (Deuteronomy 28:1)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
God has a place of abundance in store for you! It's a place where all needs are supplied–a place of joy, happiness, and victory. But in order to experience all the great things that God has prepared, there are some conditions that need to be met in the natural. God already did His part to make provision for the blessing. You must do your part to obey the Word of God and aggressively pursue the abundant life that's rightfully yours.

In this new year, stir yourself up to pursue wholeheartedly the dreams God has placed in your heart. Don't settle for a life of mediocrity! Get the Word of God in your heart and walk in the abundant life God has for you. This can be your best year yet!

A Prayer for Today
God, There is no better time to come to You with a renewed spirit and a resolve to be Your disciple on earth. I am excited about the possibilities the new year brings and ask Your blessings for a victorious, abundant life! In Jesus' Name – Amen.

Kenneth Copeland: "Major on Mercy"

"I beseech thee, show me thy glory." (Exodus 33:18)

What would you say is the single, most outstanding thing about God? What's His most important characteristic? Some people would say it's His power. Others, His holiness. But God Himself would give a different answer.

You can find that answer in Exodus 33. There Moses is asking God to show him His glory.

Now the word "glory" could literally be translated "heavy weight." It refers to the heaviest, biggest, grandest thing about someone. It's the sum total of their worth.

So what Moses was actually saying was, "Lord, I want to see the weightiest thing about You. I want to know Your grandest attributes." What did God say to him in response?

Chapter 34:6-7 tells us, "The Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin."

Just think about that! When Moses asked God to show him the most important thing about Himself, God showed him His mercy.

That means if you and I are to imitate God (Eph. 5:1) we must major in mercy too. Mercy, goodness, forgiveness and compassion must mark our behavior above all else.

Major on mercy and others will see the glory of God in you.

Scripture Study
Exodus 33:7-23, Exodus 34:5-10

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Gloria Copeland: "Don't Answer"

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2)

Be not conformed to this world. If you live like the world, you'll be overcome by the world. It's as simple as that. So don't let the world squeeze you into its own mold.

Instead..."be transformed" by the entire renewal of your mind. Overcome the world by having your mind transformed to think like God thinks. In other words, when you see something in the Word, say, "I agree with that. From now on I'm acting on that instead of what I used to think."

For example, when sin calls your name, don't answer. Agree with the Word instead and say, "I'm dead to that, Devil. You can't pull me into it anymore!"

As you do that, you'll find yourself changing. You will find yourself living like a world overcomer!

Scripture Study: Romans 6:1-11

Find that Special Place
Joel Osteen

Today's Scripture
"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
God's special place for you is where you are most content and fulfilled, experiencing prosperity in your health, your emotions, your relationships, and your finances. A good example of this is found in 1 Kings 17:3, where God told the prophet Elijah, "Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there." Elijah obeyed God and went, and the ravens fed him. If Elijah had decided not to obey God and do things his own way instead, he would not have been in a place to receive God's blessings. You are blessed when you are fully convinced that God wants to meet all of your needs, and you decide to obey Him.

A Prayer for Today
Lord, I want to thank You for giving me a place where I can be fulfilled and blessed as I serve You. Give me the wisdom and patience to know where to go to find this special place of Your blessing. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Do You Have Room for God?
Joel Osteen

Today's Scripture
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Being fruitful means being productive and excelling in everything you do. When you're fruitful, life isn't a drain, it doesn't wear you out and you don't have to force things to happen. When you confuse fruitfulness with busyness, you can head down a path that wears you out and robs God of His glory. You can be content when you're being fruitful because you know you're living a life that is pleasing to God. A fruitful life blesses others and receives God's blessings in return. This is how God intended your life to be!

A Prayer for Today
God, I know that I am often too busy for my own good. Help me to slow down when necessary and even say "no" to some things so I can give You my best. Thank You for Your love and for designing me to be fruitful! In Jesus' name. Amen.

Kenneth Copeland: "Know Him as Daddy"

"For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption--the Spirit producing sonship--in [the bliss of] which we cry, Abba! [That is,] Father!" (Romans 8:15, Amp)

One night after a worship service a friend of mine and I stepped outside and were suddenly awed by the beauty around us. It was one of those crisp, clear winter nights when the brilliance of the moon and stars nearly takes your breath away. I said to my friend, "Tommy, will you look at that!" Then he looked up with one of those Holy Ghost whole face smiles and with a voice full of tenderness said, "My Daddy made that!"

"My Daddy...." I'll never forget the way he said that.

Some people might think he shouldn't have been talking in such familiar terms about God, but they'd be wrong. It's scriptural to talk that way about Him. In the New Testament there's a Greek word for father-- Abba. The most accurate translation for that word in English is Daddy. It's a word that signifies closeness. It speaks of a relationship that's been developed through time spent together.

Father is one thing. Daddy is another.

Growing up, my father was sometimes my Father and sometimes my Daddy. When we were out duck hunting, he was Daddy. When he gave commands he meant to be obeyed instantly, he was Father.

God is like that too. He's your Father and He's your Daddy. There are times you'll be very serious and down to business with one another. Other times you'll be more lighthearted. But either way, once you fellowship with Him enough to get to know Him, I guarantee, you'll want to be close to Him all the time.

Scripture Study: Romans 8:14-18

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Kenneth Copeland: "Good Success"

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt...have good success." (Joshua 1:8)

Good success is a way of life that comes from being established in the Word of God. It comes from spending so much of your time and your thought life on the Word that it becomes what you and I could call "second nature." It comes from hearing and obeying the Word so consistently that it begins to guide your actions even when you're not consciously thinking about it.

When I started flying airplanes, I learned to train myself by getting the handbook for a certain airplane and reading it over and over again. In my mind's eye, I'd visualize everything that could occur in that airplane. I trained myself by meditating on what I needed to do.

And that's exactly what I started doing with the Word of God. I thought about it day and night. Before long, I started getting excited about what I was reading.

I'd sit at home and think about how I'd apply the Word in different situations. I'd see myself praying for the sick and having them recover. The Word became "second nature" to me.

Practice meditating on the Word that way. Let it become part of you. See yourself obeying it in every possible circumstance. It will guarantee you "good success."

Scripture Study: Psalm 1

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Kenneth Copeland: "Stick to Your Calling"

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God....
Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our
works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in
Christ Jesus before the world began."
(2 Timothy 1:6,9)

Are you doing what God called you to do?

If you haven't ever thought about it before, that may sound like an odd
question to you. You may be tempted to shrug it off and say, "Oh, I'm not
really called to do anything. I'm not a pastor or a teacher or a minister of
any kind...I guess I'm just what you might call a little finger on the Body
of Christ."

Let me tell you something: No matter who you are, God has put a holy calling
in you. He's designed you and called you to meet a need in the Body of
Christ that nobody else can meet quite like you can.

You may be called to be so successful in business you can finance the gospel
worldwide. You may be called to a ministry of prayer and intercession. You
may be called to a ministry of healing right there in your own neighborhood.
But no matter what that calling is, it's important and you need to follow

If you're like many believers I know, you may have let your life become so
overgrown with other things that you just don't have time to pursue your
calling. You may be so overwhelmed with the cares of life that you can't
imagine how you can fit in anything else.

Over the years, a pastor friend of mine got involved in so many different
areas of ministry that he was about to fold up physically under the strain
of it. The overload was actually about to kill him. Finally, the Lord spoke
to him one night and said, "John, it's not your calling that's nearly killed
you. It's everything else you've added to it."

I've had to deal with that in my own life. I've had to quit doing things
just because they need doing. I've had to discipline myself to sticking to
what I'm called to do.

Make up your mind to prayerfully trim away the extra things you've added to
your life. Stir up the gift God has placed inside you. Get back to what He
has called you to do.

After all, that calling is vital. It's holy...and it's yours. Don't ever let
it slip away from you.

Scripture Study: Acts 9:1-20

Gloria Copeland: "Go When You're Ready"

"With long life will I satisfy [you], and shew [you] my salvation." (Psalm 91:16)

Did you know that it's not God's will for you or anyone to die young? His will for you is to live the full number of your days. You ought to live 70 or 80 years, and if you are not satisfied, live a while longer! The Bible says that when Abraham died, he died at a good old age, full of years. That's the way it ought to be with all of us.

Some believers don't realize that and they've gotten themselves in a mess. When they get sick instead of just believing for healing, they start wondering if it's God's will for them to die. "Maybe He's ready to call me home," they think.

Don't ever entertain thoughts like that. If God has His way, He won't call you home until you're good and ready to come. The Apostle Paul understood that. In 2 Timothy 4:6-7, he said, "For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." Paul didn't die until he and Jesus were ready for him to go.

Regardless of your age, if the devil is telling you God isn't going to heal you because it's time for you to go home, he is lying to you. God promises in Psalm 91:16 that if you are living under the shadow of the most High, He will satisfy you with long life. (That means that you are abiding in Him as Jesus taught in John 15.)

If you're not satisfied that you have finished your course yet on this earth, it's not time for you to die. So ignore the devil and keep right on living. Resist sickness and disease in the Name of Jesus. Stand on God's promise!

Then, when you're ready to go on to heaven, go! But go satisfied, healed, and ready! Go in victory shouting the words of that old joy-filled song--"Heaven is near and I can't stay here. Good-bye world, good-bye."

Scripture Study: Deuteronomy 34

Veronica Parker: Just a reminder!!

This is especially a good reminder as we enter a NEW YEAR!

Don't spend major time with minor people. If there are people in your life who continually disappoint you, break promises, stomp on your dreams, too judgmental, have different values and don't have your back during difficult times...that is not a friend.

To have a friend, be a friend. Sometimes in life as you grow, your friends will either grow or go. Surround yourself with people who reflect values, goals interests and lifestyle you have or want.

When I think of any of my successes, I am thankful to GOD from whom all blessings flow, and to my family and friends who continue to enrich my life. Over the years my phone book has changed because I changed for the better. At first you think you're going to be alone, but after a while, new people show up in your life who make your life so much sweeter and easier to endure.

Remember what your elders used to say, "Birds of a feather flock together. If you're an eagle, do yourself a favor, don't hang around chickens: Chickens Can't Fly!

I love the Lord and I thank HIM for all that he does in my life everyday and in every way. I do love Jesus and HE is my source of existence. HE keeps me functioning each and everyday and without Him, I would and will be nothing.

Remember this: Be Positive - Be Progressive - Take the time to make a positive difference in someone's life and remember this also: you walk by faith, not by sight!!!

Today, I wish you a day of extraordinary miracles!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Joel & Victoria Osteen on Larry King Live TONIGHT

Joel Osteen: He's the "smiling preacher" who leads America's biggest church. Evangelical superstar Joel Osteen takes your calls on "Larry King Live." Tune in tonight at 9 p.m. ET.

E-mail your questions for Joel Osteen!

Show details at

"Larry King Live" is CNN's longest-running interview program. Premiering in June 1985 with its now-famous mix of interviews and topical discussions, the show features guests from across the gamut of business, entertainment and politics. Across the nation and around the world, viewers have made "Larry King Live" a part of their nightly television routine. Telecast each weeknight at 9 p.m. ET, the program also features phone calls from viewers around the globe. CNN's "Larry King Weekend" airs every Saturday and Sunday at 9 p.m. ET.

What gifts will you bring?
Joel Osteen

Today's Scripture
"On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down to worship Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him gifts..." (Matthew 2:11)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Can you image how the wise men felt as they first looked upon our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! As part of their worship, they wanted to give Him gifts. They gave valuable presents to symbolize the love, honor, and appreciation in their hearts. In the same way, you can show your love and appreciation as you give gifts to others.

As you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ during this holiday season, remember to show your love and appreciation to those around you. Not just through material gifts, but through words of love, kindness, and encouragement. Go out of your way to show honor to others, just like the wise men went out of their way to show honor to Jesus.

A Prayer for Today
God, I will give of myself this season and honor the people in my life with my love, kindness and appreciation. In doing so, I honor You. Thank you for the gift of Your precious son. In Jesus' Name - Amen.

Kenneth Copeland: Don't Just Sit There...Arise!

"Now four men who were lepers were at the entrance of the city's gate; and they said to one another, Why do we sit here until we die.... So they arose." (2 Kings 7:3,5, Amp)

No matter how bad the problem is you may be facing today, no matter how far under the circumstances you may be, in 24 hours you can be back on top!

"Oh, Brother Copeland, that would be impossible!"

That's what the Samaritans thought in 2 Kings 7. Their land was being ravaged by famine. Enemy troops had surrounded them and cut off all sourceof supply. Mothers were eating their own children just to survive.

But right in the middle of that, the Lord told the prophet Elisha that in 24 hours the whole situation would change. Flour and barley would sell for just a few pennies and there would be abundance for all.

What did God use to turn that situation around?

Four lepers! Four lepers who, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for themselves and waiting to die, decided to arise and take their chances in the enemy camp. When they got there, they found it abandoned. All the warriors had been frightened away by the angels of God, and they'd left enough food behind to feed all of Samaria!

Sometimes you and I are like the officials in that story. We get problem-centered instead of Word of God centered. We let ourselves be so surrounded with the loud voice of the world that the vision of our victory is pushed out of sight.

When that happens, faith and power begin to subside and life caves in on us from every side.

If that's happened to you, stop crying about it. Stop looking at your problem and feeling sorry for yourself. That won't change anything!

Just like He did for Elisha, God's given you a word. He's promised you victory. He's promised to make you an overcomer.

So don't just sit there till you die. Don't accept defeat. Rise up in faith. Stand up on God's Word and fight for your life. Get mad at Satan. Cast him out. Get mad at that sickness. Get angry with poverty and start giving.

Rise up and receive the deliverance of the Lord!

Scripture Study: 2 Kings 6:24-33 | 2 Kings 7:1-20

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Kenneth Copeland: A Little Bit of Heaven on Earth

Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another...even as Christ forgave you.
- (Colossians 3:12-13)


Living in a home filled with the love and the peace of God Himself is almost like living in heaven right here on earth. We all know that's true. And we long to live in such a home. Yet, time and time again, we shortchange our families. We spend our kindest words and our most winning smiles on those beyond our front door.

Have you ever wondered why?

The answer is simpler than you might suspect. Spiritually speaking, your family is under attack. You see, it is not only one of your most precious gifts, when it's operating in harmony, it's one of your most powerful resources. Satan knows that even if you don't--and he's out to destroy it.

His battle plan is simple. He will do everything he can to create strife in your home. He'll stir up feelings of self-pity and jealousy. He'll encourage you to nurse resentments and harbor bitterness. And through it all, his purpose remains the same, to divide and destroy your home.

When God's people get in harmony with each other, miracles start to happen. Their agreement creates an atmosphere in which God's supernatural, miracle-working power is free to flow! So Satan is constantly tempting us to spoil that atmosphere, to foul things up by being at odds with each other. All too often we fall prey to his tactics simply because we don't realize just how dangerous strife really is. One close look at the Word of God will solve that problem, however. James 3:16 says, "Where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work."

Don't open the door of your home to Satan by allowing your family the "luxury" of a few quarrels.

Stop the destruction before it starts. Anchor yourself to God's Word. Find out what He has to say about the power of agreement. Stop looking at your family from your own limited perspective and start seeing it as God sees it--as a powerhouse! That way you won't drift helplessly into an argument every time a gust of emotion blows through your home.

Determine right now not to let the devil have your family. Instead, pray for them, support them and love them. Bring them together, so you can all enjoy a little bit of heaven on earth.


Scripture Reading:  Colossians 3:12-25


Wise Men Know Joy
Joel Osteen

Today's Scripture
". . . and the star, which they had seen in the east, went on before them until it came and stood over the place where the Child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him." (Matthew 2:9b-11a)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
The three wise men traveled a considerable distance to see the great king whose arrival the Bible foretold would be heralded by a bright star shining in the east. When they found Him, they rejoiced exceedingly. The Bible says they had "great joy."

Those men were so happy they couldn't hide it. In fact, God warned them in a dream to take the long way home to avoid being seen by Herod's men. Can you imagine that one look at their faces, and Herod would have known that they had been in the presence of the Messiah?

How about you? Can people tell by looking at your face that you have met Jesus? Let this be an encouragement to you to smile more, especially during this Christmas season. Don't allow the pressures and busyness of the holidays to steal your joy. Let those around you – your family, your friends, and those who don't know Jesus – see Him in your face. Your smile is contagious, and the outward expression of your joy will bring glory to God.

The angel declared; "I bring you good tidings of great joy." Let your face, and your heart, reflect the real joy of Christmas

A Prayer for Today
God, how can I not smile and feel complete joy in the presence of Your spirit? I am going to stay focused on the reason for this season. I will bask in the glory of the Christ child's birth and to share my joy with those around me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Fall on your knees
Joel Osteen

Today's Scripture

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Luke 2:14)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Christmas time is a good opportunity to share with others your excitement and to share the good news: Because Christ came to earth, you are free!

You can experience true peace and goodwill only when you have His Spirit in your life. "And His name shall be called Emmanuel, God with us."

Today, give Him praise as the multitude of heavenly host did on the day He arrived. As you glorify and worship Him this Christmas season, you will be filled with His love, peace, and joy. He is able to meet all your needs today.

God Bless You.

A Prayer for Today
God, it's easy for the true meaning of Christmas to get lost in the busyness of the season. Help me to experience Christmas with the wonder of a child. Just as the wise men did so long ago, I will fall down on my knees and worship the Christ child. Thank you for the gift of Your son.

Monday, December 18, 2006

If God brought you to it...

He’ll bring you through it.
I Thess. 5:24

All in God's Timing
Joel Osteen

Today's Scripture
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
This world is a fast, go-go place where people want things "my way, in my time and for my life." Many people think that the world will give them what they are trying to get . . . and that it's up to them to take what they want. But that's simply not true. Yes, you are called to action and you must go out there and live life, but God has blessings for you that He wants you to be patient and wait on. You can plan your whole life, all the way to the end, but the Bible says that the Lord determines your steps, not you. Give yourself over to Him and be patient and wait upon the Lord and His blessings!

A Prayer for Today
God, help me not to be impatient, but to wait upon You and what You want to bless me with. Give me the strength not to give in to the way the world runs life, because I know that You have all of my steps designed. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

God enjoys blessing His children. He wants to do wonderful things in your life and in every area where you have influence. To truly experience His blessings and His favor, choose to serve Him daily.

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