Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Art of Confrontation

REF: Hosea 6:1 - 7:16

Hosea is not above speaking words of confrontation. He uses vivid imagery and colorful images to describe the evil behavior of his people. Look at his train of thought:
  1. He clarifies the desired relationship he wishes to have (6:1-3)
  2. He defines the unacceptable behavior (6:4-5)
  3. He highlights his values and priorities (6:6)
  4. He lists the conduct that illustrates his point (7:1-14)
  5. He reminds the people of their training (7:15)
  6. He declares the consequences (7:16)
For six more chapters Hosea continues to detail the people's unacceptable conduct. Then, in chapter 14, he offers words of restoration. The goal is always reconciliation, not excommunication.

When team members drift from goals, leaders owe it to them and to the organization to confront or clarify the situation. This is the only way to stay on track and to maintain respect from the team. Hosea has written the book on it!

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