Tuesday, July 31, 2007

How Do Leaders Confront?

REF: 1 Corinthians 5:1-2

Once Paul had identified the sin that plagued the church, as well as what should be done about it, he encouraged the leaders to confront this erring man. Most of us avoid confrontation; only a sadistic person likes it. So, how do we confront in a healthy and effective manner? Try to follow these steps:
  1. Address the issue immediately and personally.
  2. Confront with the right spirit.
  3. Start on a positive note.
  4. Outline the problem.
  5. Encourage a response.
  6. Show that you understand the other person's position.
  7. Explain why the action is damaging.
  8. Indicate the desired action.
  9. Reiterate the positive strengths of the person.
  10. Put the issue in the past.

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